Processing Foundation Tutorial Development
Year: 2023-2024
Roles: Developer Relations Engineer, Tutorial Developer, Technical Writer
Full credits︎︎︎
Year: 2023-2024
Roles: Developer Relations Engineer, Tutorial Developer, Technical Writer
Full credits︎︎︎
The Processing Foundation approached me to develop fresh p5.js tutorials for their newly redesigned website. I designed and developed the Drawing chapter of their Tutorials page, structured around the p5.js Technical Writing Guide & Accessibility Guidelines.
As a culmination of this work, I was invited to attend the Open Source Arts Contributors Conference︎︎︎ in Denver, where I gave talks, facilitated workshops, and built community with fellow developers.
As a culmination of this work, I was invited to attend the Open Source Arts Contributors Conference︎︎︎ in Denver, where I gave talks, facilitated workshops, and built community with fellow developers.
Color Gradients Tutorial︎︎︎
Custom Shapes and Smooth Curves Tutorial︎︎︎